A small group of people with disabilities (generally 5-8) is trained and
supervised among employees who are not disabled at the host company’s work
site. Persons in the enclave, work as a team at a single work site in a community
business or industry. A specially trained on-site supervisor provides initial
training, supervision, and support. The supervisor may work for the host
company or the placement agency. A variation of the enclave approach is called
the “dispersed enclave.” This model is used in service industries (e.g.,
universities, restaurants, and hotels). Each person works a separate job, and the
group is dispersed throughout the company. In this model individuals are most
often paid by the social service agency and have limited access to the same wages
and benefits as non-disabled employees.
A small group of people with disabilities (generally 5-8) is trained andsupervised among employees who are not disabled at the host company’s worksite. Persons in the enclave, work as a team at a single work site in a communitybusiness or industry. A specially trained on-site supervisor provides initialtraining, supervision, and support. The supervisor may work for the hostcompany or the placement agency. A variation of the enclave approach is calledthe “dispersed enclave.” This model is used in service industries (e.g.,universities, restaurants, and hotels). Each person works a separate job, and thegroup is dispersed throughout the company. In this model individuals are mostoften paid by the social service agency and have limited access to the same wagesand benefits as non-disabled employees.
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