Gui Wan, you must remember, worldly matters are like a game of chess, you must never take a step of deviation……” A face of gorgeous beauty nears Gui Wan’s face, such face is actually bathed in bright clear tears, within misery there actually carries perseverance.
A little hand reaches out, but is still unable to reach the person’s face no matter how hard it tries to stretch out, tears, misery, gorgeous beauty, all seeming to blur together, Gui Wan immediately panics, murmuring: “Mother, mother……what’s wrong?” Why is her usually carefree and frank mother exposing such sorrowful expression?
“……no matter how beautiful one’s face is, all will become the bones of a beauty one day, in this world, there is nothing that lasts forever, feelings are even more so as temporary as fireworks. Never easily trust others from now on……”
“Mother, don’t cry anymore.” The little hand finally touches her mother’s face, gently wiping away the burning tears, Gui Wan smiles in a comforting manner, “I will definitely not easily trust others from now on, mother, please don’t cry anymore now.”
The beautiful woman reveals a very faint smile, holding up Gui Wan’s little hand as she walks forward, her lips gently reciting: “What harm is there in getting drunk for one’s lord; Only afraid when sobered up, the heartbreak that follows[1]……Gui Wan, I have given you near-perfect beauty that all the women in the world desires, but I have taught you to be indifferent to feelings since young, do you understand my tough love?”
“As long as I don’t fall in love, I will not be pained, as long as I am indifferent to feelings, I will not be harmed……” Voice gradually fading out, as though separated by a veil of mist, the image grows increasingly obscure.
Mother……don’t……don’t be sad anymore……
“Mo—” A shrill voice pierces through the air, abruptly awakening from the darkness, Gui Wan desperately gasps for air, frosty chill filling her heart, irregularly beating, panicking to point that cannot be suppressed, her back oozing in sweat, she takes a deep deep breath, adjusting her mentality. Raising her head, an affectionately old face expands before her eyes.
“Lady, what’s wrong?” The old woman leans over, her wrinkly face showing a sense of protective love, “Did you have a nightmare?”
Lax eyes regaining consciousness, Gui Wan reveals a comforting smile of indifference, softly saying: “It’s nothing.” Upon speaking, she finds that her voice is actually hoarse, she turns her head in observation of her surroundings, the sounds of carriage wheels enters her ears, looking down, there are still three other people lying down within the horse carriage, all of different postures, looking as though they have not been startled awake.
Discreetly letting out a deep sigh of relief, Gui Wan gently leans against the carriage walls, restoring her calm, the happenings of the day flashing before her eyes. After drugging Mo Na and escaping, in accordance of several days of inquiring, she alone picks out a less used path in order to head down to the western city of the Nu Capital, there, is an area populated by a mix of Nu and Celestial Empire people, and is also the place that she is most likely to stay hidden in. Changing into commoner’s clothing, covering her face with fabric, and even then, she still felt unsafe, until she ran into this group of travelling merchants and performance troupe, only by using a silver ribbon could she bribe the leader of the performance troupe, allowing her to travel along with them. Faintly smiling, she unconsciously reaches out to stroke the cuff of her sleeves, her silver ribbon was made with Lou Che’s request to a skilled craftsmen who weaved wires of white gold with wild silk yarn, regardless of its intrinsic value, there is also only seven of them in this world.
No matter how valuable the ribbon is, it cannot be more valuable than one’s own safety, right now, she needs to do whatever it takes to get back to the Celestial Empire……
Gently waving the cuffs of her sleeve, her thoughts seems to be growing chaotic again, the dream from just now once again binding her heart, how long has it been……she has never dreamt of this again for a long time, why would it suddenly come back to her again? Anguish and depression faintly, harshly, spreading out from within her heart, could it be because she is facing a dangerous situation, thus causing her to recall the past?
Never trust anyone……in this world, you can only rely on yourself……
Her mother’s words pounds into her eardrums over and over again, causing her pain like that of needles pricking into her, such torturous pain spreads out from the bottom of her heart, her eyes absently staring off into one spot, Gui Wan bitterly laughs, mother, to never trust anyone, how lonely that makes me ah……
Exactly where is my sky?
“Lady, could you possibly be thinking of your family?” The old woman’s voice suddenly sounds again, cutting off Gui Wan’s rather gloomy thoughts.
“Yeah, recalled some things f