1. List of the packaging components used for MJN is required. For example of labels, printed shippers, printed display boxes, detail of each promotion item.
2. The facility shall use packaging components from only MJN approved suppliers.
3. The rework area must have a HACCP program.
4. The rework area must have a line clearance procedure.
5. Controls must be in place such as bar code scanning if more than one MJN product will be run in the rework area.
6. The facility shall have procedures in place for release of packaging components and any promotion items.
7. The facility shall have a Rework record that records the date of rework, the material number and batch code for all products and packaging components used in the rework.
8. The facility’s Rework procedure shall include a review of the record by MJN Quality personnel prior to product is released to the market.