Many viruses use RNA, rather than DNA, as their genetic material. In 1956, Alfred Gierer and Gerhard Schramm
Isolated RNA from the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), which infects plant cells. When this purified RNA was applied to plant tissue, the plants developed the same types of lesions that occurred when they were exposed to intact tobacco mosaic viruses.
Gierer and Schramm correctly concluded that the viral genome of TMV is composed of RNA. Since that time, many other viruses have been found to contain RNA as their genetic material.
Many viruses use RNA, rather than DNA, as their genetic material. In 1956, Alfred Gierer and Gerhard SchrammIsolated RNA from the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), which infects plant cells. When this purified RNA was applied to plant tissue, the plants developed the same types of lesions that occurred when they were exposed to intact tobacco mosaic viruses.Gierer and Schramm correctly concluded that the viral genome of TMV is composed of RNA. Since that time, many other viruses have been found to contain RNA as their genetic material.
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