Standing VDU workplaces are designed according to the guidelines in Figure IIA-7 with some alterations related to viewing and keying-in data. Figure IIA-9 summarizes design guidelines for these VDU stations.
In addition to the guidelines in Figures and IIA-9, some general principles of VDU workplace design should be considered. The following guidelines apply to both sitting and standing workplaces:
- A writing surface should be provided for data entry and monitoring operations. It should be at least 30 cm (12 in.) wide and 41 cm (16 in.) deep, preferably 76 cm (30 in.) in each direction (W. H. Cushman and B. Crist, 1979, Eastman Kodak Company).
- The VDU screen should be tilted back slightly (to a maximum of 15 c) so that it is perpendicular to the operator's line of sight. If tilting results in increased reflections on the screen, improvements in this situation can be made by using a hood around the screen, by placing an antireflective filter directly on the screen, or by adjusting the overhead lighting ( Ostberg, 1976). See Section VC, "Illumination and Color in Chapter V, Environment," for further information.
-Whenever possible, the VDU and keyboard should be movable so that an operator can select the most comfortable viewing and keying positions.
- Wearers of bifocal glasses often cannot see things easily at distances from 61 to 91 cm (24 to 36 in.) away because this range marks the transition between their near and far corrections. The operator should be able to adjust the viewing distance to fit individual visual needs Preferably, both the seating and the screen should be adjustable. Individuals who wear glasses and work for long periods at a VDU should consider getting single-focal-length prescription lenses for the job.