Fig. 3. Scanning electron microscopy of C. sporogenes germinated (anaerobic TY broth plus L-alanine (100 mM) and L-lactate (50 mM)) spores and outgrowing cells. (a) emergence of
the newly formed cell (red arrow) with enlargement of the aperture. (b) Continued outgrowth of the cell with detritus material attached (red arrow) to the outer regions of the cell.
(c) Elongation of the cell with distending sporiduct (red arrow). (d) Cells showing septum formation (red arrows) and tearing of the exosporium aperture (green arrow). (e)
Continued elongation of the cell showing septum formation (red arrow) while still partially interned in the exosporium case. The sporiduct has enlarged and torn (blue arrow). Free
cells are also evident in samples (green arrow).