If a genetic sexing strain of Ceratitis capitata could be used to produce sterile males and to rear parasitoids at the same time, signiWcant
amount of resources could be saved in comparison with the production of these two biological agents separately. We studied here the
major biological parameters comparing two strains of the parasitoid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata, one of them reared on a wild type
strain of C. capitata: DL(+), and the other on a genetic sexing strain of C. capitata: DL(sw). The mean longevity, fecundity, and sexual
proportion of their respective oVspring showed no signiWcant diVerence. Moreover, no diVerence was observed in population parameters
such as mean generation time, net reproductive rate, Wnite rate of increase, doubling time, and intrinsic rate of increase. The biological
parameters of other artiWcially reared parasitoids in the Tephritidae family are reviewed, and the conclusion is reached that, rearing the
parasitoid on this particular genetic sexing strain of C. capitata does not produce any negative eVect on the biological parameters studied.
2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Diachasmimorpha longicaudata; Ceratitis capitata; Life table analysis; Genetic sexing strain; Integrated pest management; Biological