Kenya -- Food
Kenyan cuisine includes ugali, chapati, githeri, goat, Nyama Choma, stews, samosas and sukuma wiki. Ugali is a maize meal, similar to American grits, which is simply cooked in boiling water until it has the same consistency and texture as bread dough. Although it is not very flavorful on its own, it is often eaten with saucy meals and dishes that have gravy. Take some ugali between two fingers and thumb and then scoop up some stew or vegetables and put them all together in your mouth. This way ugali is rather tasty. At the heart of every Kenyan meal is sukuma wiki. It is a leaf in the Kale family and is often cooked in a beef flavored gravy. Often, ugali and sukuma wiki is dinner. Sukuma wiki literally means to push the week in Swahili and it is an inexpensive and healthy food.