A I. I.I Standard salt-spray cabinets are available
from several suppliers, but certain pertinent accessories
are required before they will function according
to this method and provide consistent control for
duplication of results.
A 1.1.2 The salt spray cabinet consists of the
basic chamber, an air-saturator tower, a salt solution
reservoir, atomizing nozzles, specimen supports,
provisions for heating the Chamber, and suitable
controls for maintaining the desired tempera-
A 1.1.3 Accessories such as a suitable adjustable
baffle or central fog tower, automatic level control
for the salt reservoir, and automatic level control for
the air-saturator tower are pertinent parts of the
A I. 1.4 The cabinet should be of sufficient size to
test adequately the desired number of parts without
overcrowding. Small cabinets have been found difficult
to control and those of less than 0.43-m" (15-
ft") capacity should be avoided