Hypothetical progression of mitochondrial dysfunction during the development sarcopenia and possible windows for interventions. Multiple, interrelated factors canimpact muscle mitochondria function over the life course, including intrinsic muscular aging, lifestyle habits, chronic inflammation, vascular dysfunction, hormonal changes,etc. Young individuals should be advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle, avoiding all of the known risk factors for chronic degenerative diseases. At middle age, subjects at riskfor sarcopenia should be promptly identified, for instance through the computation of a “sarcopenia risk chart” . Eventual chronic degenerative diseasesassociated with accelerated development and/or progression of sarcopenia need to be managed appropriately. Periodical assessments of muscle mitochondrial function mayallow detecting early signs of dysfunction. Once the presence of sarcopenia has been established, interventions must be implemented. A hypothetical treatment targetingmitochondria requires a close monitoring of mitochondrial response to the intervention