(c) Payment
Payment is by either direct credit or cheque. Three runs are performed each mouth, 10th, 20th, and 30th, of the month. The 20th of the month is traditionally the main payment run; the other two are related to payroll payments in which payments falling due before the main run are paid.
Payment batches are selected by Daphne based on the due date of the invoice entered in the systems when invoice was input. Once the invoices to be paid are selected a payments due list is produced. This report details the payments by creditor, a second report is also produced which details all the invoices included in a payment by creditor-Transactions since last remittance report.
Scooby reviews this report which includes both cheque and direct credit payments, for reasonableness. He does not have all the invoices in front of him but will query any unusual transactions and reviews the invoices. Scooby advised that he is looking to confirm that he recognizes the suppliers and the description for the purchase is for and appropriate business purpose. He pays particular attention to staff reimbursement and who has authorized the claim. This report is signed as evidence of the review.
It is policy for all payments >5,000 to be reviewed and approved. Daphne details all the payments greater than $5,000 on a Cheque Approval Form. This form and the associated invoices are reviewed by Scooby and Shaggy. Scooby looks at all the invoices checking the reasonableness of purchase and coding, and who authorised the invoice for payment. Shaggy does less of a thorough review because she knows Scooby looks so closely at the invoices. Shaggy advised his check is much more through if Scooby is unavailable. The form is signed as evidence of the review. Daphne noted that they do follow up invoice with her or the person placing the order as required.