products were then sequenced by using the primer GPRAUF2,
and based on the obtained sequences and the recA gene
sequence of M. luteus (GenBank accession no. CP001628),
primers 606Fw (59-AGATCGGCGTGTTCTTCGGC-39)
and 307Rev (59-GTGTCCACSCCGAGCTTGCG-39) were
designed in order to elongate the recA sequences at the 59
and 39 ends. The elongated sequences were then used to
design a new reverse primer, 870Rev (59-GGTGAACCABGCRCCGGA-
39), in an attempt to establish a set of
primers applicable to all recognised members of the genus
Micrococcus. Subsequently, the missing recA genes of M.
endophyticus and M. terreus were amplified by using the
primer pair GPRA-UF2 and 870Rev.