Organisms and culture media
A. castellanii ATCC 30234 was grown axenically at 27 C for 5 d
in 150 cm2 tissue culture flasks (Nunc, Denmark) containing
25 ml of antibiotic-free peptone-yeast extract-glucose (PYG)
broth (Schuster 2002). H. vermiformis ATCC 50256 was grown at
27 C in cell culture flasks containing 25 ml PYNFH medium
(Cateau et al. 2009). When cells formed a monolayer, the
trophozoites were harvested by tapping the flask sharply to
bring them into suspension, and then centrifuged (1 500 g -
7 min) and washed three times in filtered (0.22 mm) tap water.
The strain F. oxysporum, isolated from the environment,
from the Institut Scientifique de Sante Publique (Bruxelles,
Belgium), was grown on Sabouraud agar medium at 27 C for
5 d. Conidia were then harvested in filtered tap water, washed
twice and suspended in the same medium, after filtration
(70 mm), to remove hyphae.