Based on what have been discussed so
far, the issues raised previously for the
analysis of the textbook will be discussed
in this section.
First, with regard to whether the input
being finely tuned or roughly tuned, it is
found out that the textbook contains a lot
of finely-tuned input. Roughly tuned input
as explained in (http://wiki.answers.com/
Q / F i n e l y _ t u n e d _ a n d _ r o u g h l y _
tuned_input) . is more complex than learners’ current
proficiency and stretches the
boundaries of their current knowledge.
. focuses on authentic use of language
in listening or reading passages.
. is used with minimal alteration by the instructor or textbook author. . is used in the activity stage of the
The language level in the textbook,
however, is about right for upper intermediate
level students. It is not complex
enough to pose the students with learning
problems. Though authentic use of language
in listening or reading passages can
be found in a few units, majority of the
reading and listening materials are not original
__ that is __ they have already been
adapted to suit the level of the upper intermediate
level students. In addition, the textbook
is readymade; all the activities can be
done both by the teacher and the students
just by following all the procedures mentioned
in it. Above all, the input is used in
every stage of the lesson, not just at the
activity stage. For these reasons, the input
found in the textbook is not roughly tuned.
On the other hand, there is sufficient
ground to say that Headway Upper-Intermediate
is designed to provide a finely
tuned input, a book which is graded and
requires students to pay attention to the
relationships among forms, meaning, and
use for specific grammar rule. Obviously,
the syllabus of the text book also is in harmony
with the characteristics of a finely
tuned input. The following characteristics
of the finely tuned input (found in the same
web page) will confirm the truth of my
observation. Finely tuned input
DISCUSSIONBased on what have been discussed sofar, the issues raised previously for theanalysis of the textbook will be discussedin this section.First, with regard to whether the inputbeing finely tuned or roughly tuned, it isfound out that the textbook contains a lotof finely-tuned input. Roughly tuned inputas explained in (http://wiki.answers.com/Q / F i n e l y _ t u n e d _ a n d _ r o u g h l y _tuned_input) . is more complex than learners’ currentproficiency and stretches theboundaries of their current knowledge.. focuses on authentic use of languagein listening or reading passages.. is used with minimal alteration by the instructor or textbook author. . is used in the activity stage of thelesson.The language level in the textbook,however, is about right for upper intermediatelevel students. It is not complexenough to pose the students with learningproblems. Though authentic use of languagein listening or reading passages canbe found in a few units, majority of thereading and listening materials are not original__ that is __ they have already beenadapted to suit the level of the upper intermediatelevel students. In addition, the textbookis readymade; all the activities can bedone both by the teacher and the studentsjust by following all the procedures mentionedin it. Above all, the input is used inevery stage of the lesson, not just at theactivity stage. For these reasons, the inputfound in the textbook is not roughly tuned.On the other hand, there is sufficientground to say that Headway Upper-Intermediateis designed to provide a finelytuned input, a book which is graded andrequires students to pay attention to therelationships among forms, meaning, anduse for specific grammar rule. Obviously,the syllabus of the text book also is in harmonywith the characteristics of a finelytuned input. The following characteristicsof the finely tuned input (found in the sameweb page) will confirm the truth of myobservation. Finely tuned input
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