Preventive Interventions for All Patients
Preventive oral care for all patients
Instruct all patients in oral care.
• Use soft toothbrush to gently brush teeth,
tongue, palate and gums to remove debris.
• Use diluted sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or
• Rinse mouth with diluted salt water after eating and at bedtime
(usually 3-4 times daily).
Prevent bedsores in all bedridden patients
Remember that prevention of bedsores is better than cure, therefore:
• Help the bedridden patient to sit out in a chair from time to time if
• Lift the sick person up the
bed—do not drag as it breaks
the skin.
• Encourage the sick person to
move his or her body in bed
if able.
• Change the sick person’s
position on the bed often, if
possible every one or two hours—use pillows or
cushions to keep the position.
• Keep the beddings clean and dry.
• Look for damaged skin (change of colour) on the
back, shoulders and hips every day.
• Put extra soft material such as a soft cotton towel
under the sick person.