CAT and APX) than uncoated fruit during storage.
DPPH inhibition of mango extract gradually decreased during
ripening period. HM-CTS treatment showed the highest DPPH inhibition
(Fig. 6A) whereas uncoated fruit showed the lowest DPPH
inhibition on day 12 and 16. Many bioactive compounds including
ascorbic acid and flavonoids contributed to the antioxidant activity.
The ascorbic acid content rapidly decreased during storage time;
however, the ascorbic acid content of coated fruit was significantly
higher than uncoated fruit on day 4 (Fig. 6B). Coating could delay
the reduction of ascorbic acid content of mango fruit during storage
at 25 ± 2 C. Although some fluctuations in free flavonoids were
observed during storage, the content of free flavonoids was higher
in coated fruit when compared to uncoated fruit. A sharp reduction
of free flavonoids values was observed during the first 4 days of
storage (Fig. 6C) then free flavonoids was marginally increased after
8 days of storage.