Nai Khanomtom Bereaved parents from children. He was bullied by AiDam while growing up, but he has a nameless man came to help him. The nameless man gives to Nai Khanomtom to the value of the parent timber boxing. He begged to the nameless teaching to him but was rejected. Later Nai Khanomtom and Aidam became the best friends. And they promised to fight against the Burmese army together. Nai Khanomtom and Aidamwill say goodbye to the Laung Ta that they will traveling to Pamok for Increases boxing ability. Before the Burmese arrived in Krungsriayudhaya, they had to pass Khanomtom and Aidam’s hometown of Pamok. They split into two groups. Aidam and his team would fight the Burmese while Khanomtom’s team went to Krungsriayudhaya to monitor the opposition troop’s movement there. But Khanomtom was caught and imprisoned. Later, on the new chedi celebration day, Prajaomangra, the head of Burma, ordered Khanomtom to display his MuayThai skills, promising to help the Thai if he could beat nine of his soldiers.