5. Since the process of transforming organizations requires managers to lead in a team-based environment, the learning process should model a team-learning format
After being introduced to the problem and their role as project implementation teams, the learners begin to access other factual information concerning the change context. This information is presented via handouts as well as on the computer screen. It includes information about the 24 people (i.e., the staff members involved in the IT 2020 implementation) and the 16 activities they can use to engage the staff in the change effort and prepare the organization to use IT 2020. The game board the organization’s members on the left-hand side. Information on each staff member can be accessed by clicking on their icon. Change activities are listed on the right side of the screen, again with clickable buttons providing access to information about the activity and its cost in bits. Listed across the top of the board are five stages of the change process: Information, Interest, Preparation, Early Use, and Routine Use. These stages of use are derived from the Concerns Based Adoption Model of change .The game pieces representing the 24 staff members start “off the game board” because they have yet to begin the process of change. Few have much information about the change, except by rumor. As noted above, a key goal of the change team is to move these staff members from a state of knowing nothing about IT 2020 to a stage of mastery and routine use of the ERM system in their daily work. The other is to gain “Bennies” (productivity benefits) which will accrue as staff begin to do activities with IT 2020 that increase efficiency and effectiveness.