Abstract: This study explored role adaptation process of first-time Thai adolescent mothers
who returned to school during childrearing. A qualitative grounded theory study was
undertaken to examine the process of role adaptation as being mothers and students at
the same time. The participants were 17 student mothers with a healthy baby aged no
more than 3 years. In-depth interviews and non-participant observation were carried
out. Data collection and analysis occurred simultaneously during May 2013 to May 2014. Purposive sampling was used to select the first five participants and the rest were recruited
through theoretical sampling including snow ball technique.
The findings demonstrated that “achieving balance” was a core category of this
study. Four axial categories were identified as their strategies used to adapt themselves
in order to achieve balance in life during childrearing and studying including: 1) adjusting
to new identities, 2) adapting lifestyles, 3) coping with the new roles, and 4) asking for
Knowledge gained from this study is applicable for health care providers, particularly
nursing educators and school nurses to facilitate and support adolescent mothers in dealing
with maternal and student roles simultaneously in order to attain a balance in life. The
substantive theory developed in this study can also be incorporated into nursing education
of adolescent mothers to promote them remaining in school for their long term success.
Pacific Rim Int J Nurs Res 2015; 19(3) 257-269
Keywords: Adolescent mothers; Balance; School-aged mothers; Role adaptation;
Grounded theory.