then falls into the water-cooled crystalliser, where a further
temperature drop to 45°C is achieved.
Tubular and plate heat exchangers had been used by Jullienne
and Munsamy (1981) for molasses cooling. Broadfoot et
al. (1990) converted a discarded rotary mud filter to a full
scale scraped rotary drum molasses cooler. The temperature
of the molasses dropped from 60 to 38°C when the cooler
operated at a speed of 2,6 rpm, processing 10 t/h molasses
with a molasses film thickness of 1,1 mm on the drum.
Quinan and de Viana (1991) used a plate heat exchanger to
cool molasses from 57 to 37°C with water at 30°C.
Antifoam chemicals such as sulphur dioxide, sodium sulphite
and related compounds have been used in the sugar industry,
and their inhibitive action on the Maillard reaction
was reported by Trivett (1953). Anet and Igles (1964) showed
that bisulphite addition compounds are relevant in the inhibition
of browning by sulphur dioxide.
At MTMD, molasses is now diluted to 83° brix, and cooled
before being sent to the storage tank, which is now equipped
with systems of molasses re-circulation, level control and
temperature control. When the molasses temperature exceeds
55°C an alarm is triggered off. A molasses first-in, first-out
system is adopted and a close watch is maintained on the
amount of steam injected in the centrifugals.
then falls into the water-cooled crystalliser, where a furthertemperature drop to 45°C is achieved.Tubular and plate heat exchangers had been used by Jullienneand Munsamy (1981) for molasses cooling. Broadfoot etal. (1990) converted a discarded rotary mud filter to a fullscale scraped rotary drum molasses cooler. The temperatureof the molasses dropped from 60 to 38°C when the cooleroperated at a speed of 2,6 rpm, processing 10 t/h molasseswith a molasses film thickness of 1,1 mm on the drum.Quinan and de Viana (1991) used a plate heat exchanger tocool molasses from 57 to 37°C with water at 30°C.Antifoam chemicals such as sulphur dioxide, sodium sulphiteand related compounds have been used in the sugar industry,and their inhibitive action on the Maillard reactionwas reported by Trivett (1953). Anet and Igles (1964) showedthat bisulphite addition compounds are relevant in the inhibitionof browning by sulphur dioxide.At MTMD, molasses is now diluted to 83° brix, and cooledbefore being sent to the storage tank, which is now equippedwith systems of molasses re-circulation, level control andtemperature control. When the molasses temperature exceeds55°C an alarm is triggered off. A molasses first-in, first-outsystem is adopted and a close watch is maintained on theamount of steam injected in the centrifugals.
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