Reliability of the OTSS was established by correlating OTSS trial 1 to OTSS trial
2 with a correlation of (r = .81;/? < .0001) (C/ = .75 to .87). Other OMNI scales have
been shown to be reliable using the same approach. Correlations of (r = .95; p < .05) and
(r = .91;/? < .05) were found for the children's OMNI scale of perceived exertion against
the Borg 6-20 RPE scale (Pfeiffer, Pivarnik, Womack, Reeves, and Malina, 2002). While
the correlations from the present study are weak, they still reveal the same linear patterns.
One possible explanation that can be made for differences in results between Pfeiffer et
al. and the present study may be that in heat related exertion studies, fewer participants
are used than in exertion studies. The subject size for the present study was n = 12. In
the previously mentioned exertion scale study a subject size of n = 53 were used finding
correlations of r = .95 (P < .05) and r = .91 (P < .05).
Reliability of the OTSS was established by correlating OTSS trial 1 to OTSS trial2 with a correlation of (r = .81;/? < .0001) (C/ = .75 to .87). Other OMNI scales havebeen shown to be reliable using the same approach. Correlations of (r = .95; p < .05) and9 (r = .91;/? < .05) were found for the children's OMNI scale of perceived exertion againstthe Borg 6-20 RPE scale (Pfeiffer, Pivarnik, Womack, Reeves, and Malina, 2002). Whilethe correlations from the present study are weak, they still reveal the same linear patterns.One possible explanation that can be made for differences in results between Pfeiffer etal. and the present study may be that in heat related exertion studies, fewer participantsare used than in exertion studies. The subject size for the present study was n = 12. Inthe previously mentioned exertion scale study a subject size of n = 53 were used findingcorrelations of r = .95 (P < .05) and r = .91 (P < .05).
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