a. If all of the information is correct, please move on to Step 3.
b. If your name is NOT correct, DO NOT CLICK ON THE SUBMIT BUTTON. Instead, please click “SUPPORT” located on the top right corner of your screen and you will be linked to the CompTIA Customer Support Center. Click on “SUBMIT A TICKET”, then select the ticket type “NAME CORRECTIONS/CHANGES” and provide the required corrections/legal documentation.
c. If any of your other demographics are incorrect, please make the correction to your record and move on to Step 3. (Do NOT click submit to update demographic until your name has been corrected if it is currently wrong).
3. Once all information is correct, press the submit button. By clicking on the submit button, you are confirming that all of your demographic information is correct and authorizing CompTIA to print and ship your paper certificate. Once CompTIA has received your authorization, CompTIA will generate your certificate, which should be delivered to you via mail within eight weeks after completing this process online.
Track your Exam History/Current Progress Online:
To access your exam history, update your demographics or verify certificate status, login at: www.certmetrics.com/comptia/login.aspx. Please allow five business days for your CompTIA web record to be updated with exam results.
View/Print Your Certificate Online:
To download a PDF of your CompTIA certificate:
1. Login at: www.certmetrics.com/comptia/login.aspx .
2. Click on “CERTIFICATIONS” tab.
3. On the far right, under the “DOWNLOADS” column, there is a PDF link for each earned certificate.
4. Click on a link to begin a download of the PDF file.
Other Certiport and CompTIA Solutions
To learn more about other Certiport and CompTIA learning solutions, visit www.certiport.com and www.comptia.org.
If you have questions regarding this score report or your certificate, login at www.certmetrics.com/comptia/login.aspx, and click on “SUPPORT.”
If you do not receive your certificate after 8 weeks please log into your account to see if it was returned by the postal service. You will then need to click on "support" and log a ticket with us advising us that you have not received your certificate. After 90 days there is a $15.00 (USD) fee for a replacement.
Note for DoD personnel:
If you are a military service member or civilian employee of DoD and hold a
baseline IA certification in fulfillment of 8570 requirements, you must
register and release your certification information in the Defense Workforce
Certification Application (DWCA). Please make sure when registering on the DWCA site you enter your name exactly as it is in your CompTIA record for the verification to go through.