4) Chitin- and chitosan- based dressings
1. Surgical dressing made of a chitosan-gelatin complex
① This experimental dressing displayed excellent adhesion to subcutaneous fat
② Wound dressing comprising a nonwoven fabric composed of chitin fibers
③ New wound dressing, Beschitin W, composed of chitin nonwoven fabric has been proved to be
beneficial in clinical practice
④ A wound-covering material from polyelectrolyte complexes of chitosan with sulfonated chitosan
2. Wound healing is accelerated by the oligomers of degraded chitosan by tissue enzymes
3. N-carboxy-butyl chitosan dressing for treating plastic surgery donor sites
① This dressing could promote ordered tissue regeneration compared to control donor sites
② Better histoarchitectural order, better vascularization, and the absence of inflammatory cells were
observed at the dermal level
③ Fewer aspects of proliferation of the malpighian layer were reported at the epidermal level
4. 5-Methylpyrrolidinone chitosan (chitosan derivative) is a very promising in medical applications
① The advantages : healing of wounded mensical tissues and decubitus ulcers, depression of
capsule formation around prostheses, limitation of scar formation and retraction during healing
② The material could be fabricated into many different forms : filaments, nonewoven fabrics, etc.
5. Dibutyrylchitin (chitin derivative) was prepared by treatment of krill chitin
① The fibers have tensile properties similar to or better than those of chitin
② One product is commercially available in Japan :a nonwoven fabric manufactured from chitin