Denmark’s international trade policy fundamentally aims at allowing more free trade on a global basis. The Danish economy, the global economy and the developing countries will all benefit from an increase in international trade. Denmark’s international trade policy is conducted in close co-operation with the other EU-countries. EU speaks with one voice in international trade negotiations, which gives EU impact in international trade fora.
Although international trade policy may be conducted bilaterally and regionally, Denmark and the EU remain fundamentally and clearly committed to multilateral negotiations. Thereby, the WTO - the World Trade Organization - is the primary focus of Denmark’s and EU’s trade policy. The WTO system creates an international legal system with legitimacy, and it provides the necessary guarantees for all actors in the global economy. It ensures the involvement of, and consideration for, developing countries. Furthermore it is important for Denmark that the WTO agreements can be enforced through WTO’s dispute settlement system. The alternative to WTO’s regulation of international economy is that “might is right”. Likewise, it is important for Denmark to continuously search for flexibility in agriculture and other important areas of negotiation.