Personalization of learning is
an important underpinning of
the whole New Paradigm model of
education. It starts with the idea
that learners are not products that
can be mass-produced by schools. If
one accepts the undeniable truth
that no two children are exactly
alike, then it must logically follow
that no one system of education can
work for all students. From this
follows the notion that a good
educational model will "personalize"
each student's learning experience.
The idea that each student has an
"Individualized Education Program" is
not new to those who specialize in
educating children with learning
disabilities. Now, the idea of an
"IEP" for all students is gaining
currency. Personalization includes
not only what will be learned in
school, but also how it will be
While it is possible and perhaps even
desirable to postulate certain
"standards" which define the kind of
skills and knowledge that constitutes
robust learning in any given
discipline, each student must have
adequate and individualized
preparation to master these
standards. Further, a school that
promotes personalized learning will
make every effort to deliver
education using a variety of means
and methods in an attempt to
involve all students. Personalized
learning is therefore compatible with
the idea of Howard Gardner's
"Multiple Intelligences Theory” which
identifies eight different intelligences
whose development is essential for
success in a variety of today's
professions.3 Being "clever" or"smart" in the traditional sense
meant having a high IQ, but we
know today that this kind of
cognitive intelligence alone is no
guarantee that students will be
prepared to face life's challenges.
Personalized learning environments
develop not only an individual's
cognitive and analytical skills, but are
also concerned with the development
of their other intelligences and
creating responsible citizens.