The Sculptural image of Buddha had stayed on the cliff of Chi chan mountain . this place is the most famous travel place in the Staheep district Chonbuti province . The Sculptural Image on the cliff of Chi chan mountain had created by laser pointer and carving. The Sculptural Image name is “Phaphuttamhawachirauttamophassatsatha” this name is create by the King Bhumibala Aduladeja and the meaning of this name is “ the Buddha is the greatest prophet like a bright of shining “The Sculptural Image is a carving lower curve out level and stay in the same position like a Phaphuttanawarhatbaphit the culture of Sukhothai and Lanna this Sculptural Image is tall 109 meters width 70 meters and the status is tall 21 meters , total high of Sculptural image is 130 meters
The Sculptural image had made by a speech of the patriarch Phayanasungwarn once he pity the Chi chan mountain is disrupting everyday by a colt factory eventually he speech for conserve the Chi chan mountain side by side Chi own mountain and request for the sculptural image of Buddha on the Chi chan mountain for the sanctuary of Buddhism.
The Sculptural image of Buddha is open for traveler everyday at 6.00 a.m. to 18.00 p.m. and no pay for visit but you must attention the all caution sign in place especially the caution sign don’t nearly the foot of the hill because some rock can fall down to the ground.