Dear Malai,
Hope everything is fine with you,your son and your family,Malai..and Thank You for the Veery kind me more hopes for the future.- I'm like One Biig smile now..I do like you Much from the photo also!- About your questions...I have never been to Thailand,Malai..but I do know it's much warmer there than here in Norway.- Right now it's winter here..but not cold..only around 0 degrees..
A few days ago I Re-newed my membership with "ThaiLoveLinks"..again trying to think what to write - but,I'm not born "under a lucky star",it seem.- I's too much of "strange" things going on here through these dating-sites...very,very difficult it is.- I was hoping to travel to Thailand after getting to know each meet and hopefully make plans for the future.- You look, and seem to be - much kind & honest,Malai .. I will be hoping to hear from you again, so we can get to know each other.- Nakhon Ratchasima should be easy to reach by flight here from Norway.,via I can come there a few times first.- You can continue living there may be...and, later on we can plan the future in Thailand..(or,if you then wish to..settle down here in Norway).- There are many possibilities,Malai.- As a single parent.. there is so much to do...and now I start feeling quite (..or much..) lonely .. and hope to meet a kind, honest and "down to earth"..ordernary woman through these sites, who wants to plan the future.- Since I no longer chat or answer those who try to contact me via IM's..Skype and Yahoo Messenger..I guess I'm a bit old-fashioned,Malai.-
I live south in Norway,in Brumunddal .. 1 1/2 hour from Oslo..and my email-adress is I will be hoping to hear from you again..may be with your I also can send you a photo-link, with photo's of me and David..-
I wish you,your son and your family All The Best,Malai!
warm regards,
and much hope
from Kjell