International education in Thailand
Now a day in this world needs to have two languages, once is region language skill and another one is English language because English language has accepted by people of the world that international using so that we have to know and use English for contacting with foreigners as a performance. This moment in Thailand’s education seems International education is interested by student and their own parents because the international education can giving more skill than normally Thai school that skill is can be able to strongly write read and speak foreign language . Anyway I’m one of student that interested in International education.
In my opinion beside from them International education can be give you a more skill such as international business that so important for student who is want to be a business man because it’s will teach you a world business and how to do your own business going to international as a performance international business man so that is a one of more useful that international will give to their own student and in the other hand I think International education in Thailand will improve many absolutely good quality of Thai new generation not only about foreign language skill also a lot of thing too such as world culture for an example.
No doubt for why is International education has interested from Thai student and their parents so that writing by me have show a only less benefit about
International education because in a fact it’s more useful about International education but it’s one of surly if you want to have bilingual language , have a strongly English and know more about world culture like a going to a board International education in Thailand is once of your good alternative not difference as going to study in the population country for sure confirm by me !