Note: This is a fictional representation of the future and its bound to anger a lot of people. You can call me racist and whatever, I am not. Its just trends i see of the future and where I see mankind heading. Once again this is a work of fiction. We all have differing opinions. Yes a lot of these pictures were created by me. Coming soon the novel itself.
A House Divided
The Third Great Human Civil War, or "World War III" as it was know at the time, is without a doubt the most important event of all human history. The wars aftermath set the foundation for the creation of the United Systems of Earth and the unity of mankind. Before the creation of the United Systems and throughout most of human history, the human race was a deeply divided species.
In its earliest history as a hunter-gatherer, the early humans banded together in tribes. For their own collective protection against the elements and wildlife. It did not take long for these tribes to come into contact with other tribes, and soon violence erupted over territory and scarce resources. Human technology and social systems evolved, but human nature did not. Once humanity settled down and was no longer nomadic, the first city-states evolved. These city-states developed into nation-states consisting of humans who shared the same cultural, ethnic and/or linguistic backgrounds. Humanity prior to the creation of the United Systems was a species consisting of dozens of nation states with a long history of waging war with one another.
Although our human ancestors had always committed mass organized acts of violence against itself, only three are known as "Great Human Civil Wars." These wars are remembered as such, because of the massive loss of human life, the large areas of the homeworld affected, and these wars were the first to utilize modern technology.
The First Great Human Civil War (1914-1918) killed an estimated 20 million humans and was centered in Central Europe between the collection of nation-states known as the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The Second Great Human Civil War (1937-1945) killed an estimated 78 million humans and left all of Europe and large areas of Asia and Africa in ruins. The Second Civil War took place less then a generation after the First and was between the Allied Powers and the Axis Alliance. The Third Great Human Civil War (2055-2077) took place more then two hundred years after the Second Civil War, but killed a thousand times more humans then both wars combined. The Third Civil War killed an estimated 12.6 billion humans and left Earth a desolate wasteland. The Third Civil War is easily the most traumatic event of all of human history and is the subject of intense study by scientists and historians alike. Many questions remain, but much is known about the war and why it was fought.
Question(s) for the Reader:
1) Do you think human unity would have been possible if the war hadn't taken place? Discuss.
2) Do you believe that humanity is in its nature a violent race? Discuss.
Note: For more indepth information about human history prior to 2055, please refer to the internet. Keyphrase: Ancient Human History.