and I've lost a few. Although it's very sad for the mother and father, it's just something that happens. It happens with farm animals, Tom. You've seen it yourself.'l nodded. Every year a few lambs were born dead. It was something you expected. "This time it was worse," Mam said. This time both the mother and I the baby died, something that's never happened to me before. know the right herbs and how to blend them. know how to cope with severe bleeding. I know just what to do. And this mother was young and strong. She shouldn't have died but l couldn't save her. did everything could, but couldn't save her. And It's given me a pain here. A pain in my heart.'Mam gave a sort of sob and clutched at her chest. For one awful moment I thought she was going tocry but then she took a deep breath and the strength came back into her face. But sheep die, Mam, and sometimes cows when giving birth,' told her. "A mother was bound to dieeventually. It's a miracle that you've gone so long without it happening before." did my best but it was hard to console her. Mam was taking it very badly. It made her look on the gloomy side of things. It's getting darker, son,' she said to me. "And it's coming sooner than l expected. I'd hoped you'dbe a grown man first, with years of experience under your belt. So you're going to have to listen carefully to everything your master says. Every little thing will count. You're going to have to get yourself ready asquickly as you can and work hard at your Latin lessons."She paused then and