they know that they could die, they continue to eat it. Every year, the Japanese eat 20,000
tons of blowfish, and 70 to 100 people die from it every year.
(23) Rats and mice are also a special food in some parts of the world. In China, people like
rice rats especially. They clean and salt them and leave them in oil. Then they hang them to
dry. These rats sell in the market for twice the price of the best pork. Farmers in Thailand
also love rice rats. It Vietnam, mice from the rice fields are fried or grilled. In Spain, there is
a traditional dish called paella, which is made with rice and pieces of fish. In the town of
Valencia, this dish also has rat meat to give it a special flavor.
(29) Insects like termites, ants, and bees are delicacies to many people. In Africa, people fight
over termite nests. They eat the termites alive and say that they taste like pineapple. In
India, people make the ants into a paste and eat them with curry. In Borneo, people mix
ants with rice. They say that the ants give the rice a special flavor. In Australia, the native
people drink ants. They mashed them in water and say that the drink tastes like lemonade!
And bees are delicious when you fry them. You just can’t stop eating them!