Ning's Job responded;
1. To receiving claim, complaints, CAR & PAR, NCR and or ION from customer
2. To taking action and reply claim, complaints from customers
3. To preparing document for support ISO9001: 2008 "Renewal Audit" in year
4. To preparing "Internal Quality Audit: IQA" before ISO9001 arrival
5. To replying " NCR" from M.D. issued
6. To connecting with customers and supplier when problem occurred
7. Summarized customers and supplier meeting report
8. Take care QC. Team working as following standard
9. Controlled calibration plan and send tooling/ equipment for calibration by outside
10. CMM monthly inspection report follow up and check for support customers
12. To preparing & checking SRPC (ECR/ ECN) for submit to customer in every month
13. Co-Working during QC. Process, Prodcution Process & Production Control
14. To preparing "Daily machine check Sheet" support production line in each month
15. Re-training & information workers when problem re-occur
16. To receiving customers' yearly audit suh as HCT, KTC, etc.
17. To applying QC. Tool such as case & effect analysis, why-why analysis, 5w2H for analyst problem solving
1. Support QC. Staff preparation OQC, flatness & roughness report check support to customer
2. Support QC. Staff preparation NG monthly report return to customers & supplier
3. Training QC. Staff (new comer)
4. Preparation "Control Plan/ QC. Process (when UMT has process change), process flow chart,
Inspection Std. (IS), etc. Support customers' ISO/TS16949 system.
5. Preparation yearly training plan for QC. Section
6. Support QC. Inspector test leak with Manifold part
7. Support production operator with check sheet copy & print out such as PD Inprocess check sheet, Horning, etc.
8. Q- Point prepration & training