In this lesson, we'll discuss what features are available under the options tab in Dynamics AX. So in this demonstration, I'm going to review with you some of the features that are available under this options button up here. So for this example, we're going to just stay on this vendors list page. And when I click the options tab, you can see this drop down displays with various features and buttons. The first one, under page options, is the security diagnostics. So I'll click that. And this takes you to the security diagnostics page. And users with administrative privileges will be able to assign roles to certain users here. This screen just gives you a more detailed picture of what object type is assigned to a user. And if you want to show more details about the object identifiers, you can click that button and it just gives you which role and privileges each user has. So we'll step back one page, back here on the vendors. And when I click options again, another feature here is the advanced filter and sort. We'll dive deeper into this in the finding and filtering module. But this just really gives you another option to filter and sort for more advanced data that you're looking to find. The next button is the record info. And this brings up the record information. So from here, you can select a specific record and take action on it. So in this example, we have vendor account 1001. And we're able to rename that vendor account right from this record information so it's just a useful tool not to have to dive further down into another form with more clicks. The next button here is the show all fields. And this just gives you more detailed information about all the fields related to that selected record. So we'll take a look at what that shows us here. So as you can see, this form gives you different fields, detailed information about that account. So, you know, anything you would need to find more detailed about that, you could see that here. OK. So going back to the record info. The next button here is the database log and this is a useful tool to track when records are modified or changed and to identify who created that record in the system. So it's a very useful tool to keep track of changes and modifications. The system administrator will have to turn on database tracking, though, in order for this information to be displayed. The next button here is the script button. And this just gives you a code output and the script lines are copied on to a clipboard. And this can be very useful for developers to regenerate the record in X++. And then the last two buttons here on the record information form are company account templates and user templates. These buttons allow you to create templates to use as a base when creating new records. The company account template can be seen by everyone under the selected company but the user template is only visible to that user that you are logged into as. One example where a company account template could be used is when a company has two types of vendors. So let's say they have customers and suppliers. You could use that company account template when creating a new record. OK. So we'll close that one down. Going back to the options. There's also this change view button. This just allows you to change the view between grid view and details view. When you're looking at the list page, the default is going to be grid view. So the detailed view just allows you to drill down to the selected record details. And then finally, under this options, you see the personalization section. So you have the option to either import or export the form you're viewing. You can select whether you always want to open this form in edit mode so you don't have to click the edit button. It will just automatically open it for you. And then you also have some options to show hidden fields or columns that might not be displayed by defaults. And then some more information about that form. So that's just a brief overview of what's available under the options tab.