Miss Honey did not speak for a minute, then she said. ‘I’m not surprised. Everyone in the village knows that your father buys stolen cars. He paints them a different color and changes their number, then he sells them to people. Now he’s running away to Spain before the police come for him. Someone probably told them about him.’
‘I don’t want to go!’ cried Matilda. ‘I want to live here with you. Can I stay with you? I think mummy and daddy will say yes if I ask them.’
‘Well, yes, but – ‘began Miss Honey, smiling.
‘We’ll have to hurry!’ said Matilda. And she pulled Miss Honey after her as her began to run home again.
The Wormwoods were putting suitcases into the car.
‘I don’t want to go to Spain, ‘ said Matilda. ‘I want to stay here and live with Miss Honey. She says that I can. Please say yes! Please, please!’
‘It was Matilda’s idea, Mr Wormwood. ‘said Miss Honey. ‘But I’ll love her look after her carefully, and I’ll pay for everything. It won’t cost you a penny.’
‘Come on, Harry, ‘said Mrs Wormwood. She pushed a suitcase into the car. ‘Say yes! We have enough to worry about without Matilda.’
‘All right, ‘said Mr Wormwood. ‘If she wants to stay, she can stay.’
Matilda threw her arms round Miss Honey and kissed her. Then they watched the big black car race off down the road and disappear for ever.