Disease outbreaks were observed in fish of 10 to 200
g in farms in North West of Iran (Kohgiluyeh and Buyer
Ahmad Province). The disease occurred during spring
and summer when water temperature increased above
14°C. Sluggish movement, darkening of body, bilateral
exophthalmia sometimes together with cataract and
hemorrhage, abdominal distention and prolaps of anal
area with hyperemia/hemorrhage were observable in
most affected fish. Also, accumulations of bloody fluids
in abdominal cavity, hemorrhage in intestinal lumen were
seen in dissection examination.
In most cases, the affected fish farms were using
rivers as the main source of their water with water
temperature in the range of 14.3-22.7°C, dissolved
oxygen of 6.68-8.92 mg/l, pH of 7.85-8.16.
After bacterial isolation and primary testing by
Gram stain, %3 KOH and catalase tests on all samples
(280 samples), 258 positive specimens were obtained.
Following biochemical characterization of pure or
dominant colonies, L. garvieae were determined.
Biochemical Results of biochemical tests on the L.
garvieae isolated in this study were compared with the
published results of biochemical tests of L. garvieae
isolated by other researchers (Table 1)
Disease outbreaks were observed in fish of 10 to 200g in farms in North West of Iran (Kohgiluyeh and BuyerAhmad Province). The disease occurred during springand summer when water temperature increased above14°C. Sluggish movement, darkening of body, bilateralexophthalmia sometimes together with cataract andhemorrhage, abdominal distention and prolaps of analarea with hyperemia/hemorrhage were observable inmost affected fish. Also, accumulations of bloody fluidsin abdominal cavity, hemorrhage in intestinal lumen wereseen in dissection examination.In most cases, the affected fish farms were usingrivers as the main source of their water with watertemperature in the range of 14.3-22.7°C, dissolvedoxygen of 6.68-8.92 mg/l, pH of 7.85-8.16.After bacterial isolation and primary testing byGram stain, %3 KOH and catalase tests on all samples(280 samples), 258 positive specimens were obtained.Following biochemical characterization of pure ordominant colonies, L. garvieae were determined.Biochemical Results of biochemical tests on the L.garvieae isolated in this study were compared with thepublished results of biochemical tests of L. garvieaeisolated by other researchers (Table 1)
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