The study of knowledge management of revenue collection in Maehongson local government.
The purpose to study the management of knowledge of revenue collection and problem of knowledge management of revenue collection in Maehongson local government. The researchers have determined the total population of 50. statistical data were analyzed using by the computer program.
The result of study found that most respondents to be the female government officer age 31-40 years , marriage status , have the bachelor degree and practical work to a term of 5-10 years.
The implementation of knowledge management of revenue collection in Maehongson local government , most respondents knows news and information about knowledge management from "letter of invitation" ever trained about knowledge management trained by 2 times per year, costs to trained 4,001-5,000 per one time. Maehongson local government spend money for the training and participate in computer training project (E-LAAS)
The problem of the knowledge management of revenue collection in Maehongson local government found respondents have a rating comment to lead knowledge management model to use for increase efficiency of organizations in overall revenue collection at a high level.
The first factor is indication knowledge, next below is Creating and acquiring knowledge, learning, Access to knowledge, Hypothesis testing by individual factors including sex, status
have a rating comment about knowledge management of revenue collection in Maehongson local government no difference at 0.05 significant level.