Welcome to MarketGlory!:
Hello, I am Taura, the moderator of the MarketGlory forum. My role is to guide you and to answer to any questions or problems you might encounter.
MarketGlory is an online economic, military, political and social strategy, where you can convert your virtual currency into real money.
We recommend you to read the documentation of the game, in order to get informed regarding the options available in MarketGlory: http://www.marketglory.com/info/documentation.
The MarketGlory team is available for any questions regarding the game. You can contact me or the admin, through a private message. You can also contact the team by e-mail, at contact@marketglory.com.
Visit the General forum and the forum of your country, for further information. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
The MarketGlory team wishes you good luck!