Family Name:
First and/ other names:
Course of Study:
Length of Study of Language (English/ German/ French/ Other(Specify):
Examination passed in: Grade:
Knowledge of Language (English/German/French/Other) [To be completed by Examiner]
1. Comprehension
(a) Understands conversation and lectures without difficulty
(b) Understands almost everything spoken slowly and clearly
(c) Understands with difficulty
(d) Cannot follow lectures and conversation
2. Speaking
(a) Speaks fluently, correctly and is easily understood
(b) Is understood but is not completely correct and fluent
(c) Speaks haltingly and with many mistakes
3. Writing
(a) Writes flowingly and correctly
(b) Writes slowly with occasional errors
(c) Writes with difficulty and makes many errors
(d) Cannot write understandable language
4. Reading
(a) Reads quickly with understanding
(b) Reads slowly, understanding the context
(c) Has difficulty understanding and must look up many words
(d) Cannot understand even easy texts
Observations (if any):
Examiner’s Name: Position:
Place and Date: Signature with Stamp
Language Form