16 I'm never wrong, Miss Honey!" shouted Miss Trunchbull Don't argue with me! Now, what do you want? Why are you wasting my time? I came to talk to you about Matilda, said Miss Honey What did she do? Put broken glass on your chair? "No!" said Miss Honey Matilda is very, very clever Miss Trunchbull's face went purple. Don't be stupid!' she shouted. Her father says she's a little criminal! Her father is wrong, said Miss Honey. And she went on to describe some of the wonderful things that Matilda could do Finally she said, 'We must put her in with the group of eleven year-old children Oh! So she's too difficult for you, I see said Miss Trunchbull Too unpleasant! You want to send her to the top group so that she can do terrible things to them, don't you? Well, the answer is no! Matilda stays with you But Miss Trunchbull, please began Miss Honey. Don't say another word!' shouted Miss Trunchbull. So Miss Honey turned and walked out of the office. Tm going to do something for t child she told herself rm going to find a way to help her. She went to see the teachers who taught the older children and borrowed several books from them. Then she found Matilda and asked her to come inside. You can't sit and do nothing while I'm teaching the rest of the children to multiply by two and to spell cat, she said. During each lesson I'm going to give you one of these books to study. Then you can come and ask me any questions and I'll try to help you. All right? Yes, thank you very much, Miss Honey said Matilda What a nice child she is, thought Miss Honey. I'll go an have a secret talk with her mother and father this evening. They must understand that their daughter is very special.