The Curriculum Review Project (CRP) coincided with the culmination
of the Transnational Nursing Education Programme (TNEP's)
4-year contract of delivery in HK (2010–2014), plus it met the UOW
quality governance strategies for review. In establishing a new contract
for 2015, the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) (2014) and the
Qualifications Framework, The Government of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (HKCAAVQ), 2015) were used for an intensive
review of the curricula for the TNEP. The CRP was a qualitative exploration
of the perceptions and experiences of academics involved in the delivery
of the TNEP, identifying opportunities for strengthening the TNEP
to align the TNEPwith the UOWInternational Strategic Plan 2013–2018,
ensuring that viability, sustainability, and quality were met.