Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the fourth most important crop in the world and one of the top seven important
crops in china. Late blight is a devastating disease of potato caused by Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary,
which was the reason of the Great Irish Famine in 1845. Today, late blight remains the No. 1 threat to potato
production. In previous research, it proved that it was difficult to control potato late blight just because P. infestans
ranked the highest risk in the evolutionary potential and it could easily mutate its Avr genes and thus overcome potato
plants carrying corresponding R genes. So, one of the promising solutions for late blight control is to release several
R genes simultaneously and to artificially create a resistance polymorphism in the field, such as the strategy so called
R gene polyculture. In the past years, scientists gained a great success in cloning R genes conferring late blight
resistance, providing a starting point to create R gene polyculture by means of cisgenic technology.