Occurrence of crosstalk between calyx and developing fruit of Withania somnifera. (A) The calyx growth after removal of stigma/style at different stages (young bud, Y.
bud; young flower, Y. flower; pollinated flower, P. flower; young fruit, Y. fruit; mature fruit, M. fruit and old fruit, O. fruit) of flower development is shown. Scale bar = 20 mm.
(B) Graph showing variations in sepal size after removal of stigma and fruit at different stages as indicated above and in the figure. Lengths and widths are indicated as gray
and white columns, respectively. Normal (N) lengths and widths (sizes) at the time of ablation are indicated as light blue and black columns, respectively. Error bars indicate
standard deviation. (C) Photograph showing the fruit growth after ablation of calyx at stages such as young flower (Y. flower), young fruit (Y. fruit), mature fruit (M. fruit)
and old fruit (O. fruit). Scale bar represents 10 mm. (D) Graph indicating the effects of calyx removal on fruit size at different stages. Compare the size of fruit after removal
of calyx at young flower and pollinated flower stages. Lengths and widths are indicated as gray and white columns, respectively. Similarly, normal (N) lengths and widths
(sizes) at the time of ablation are indicated as light blue and black columns, respectively. Error bars indicate standard deviation. (For interpretation of the references to color
in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)