Accounting | Manual
Last Update: 10.2014 - 4 -
Established by: TLA
Approved by: Metrohm AG
1. Introduction
I. Scope
The Metrohm Group accounting manual outlines accounting policies, systems and procedures to be used by
Metrohm Group companies. The manual has been developed to set out accounting policies and procedures that will:
· Ensure that Metrohm’s books of accounts are prepared to conform to sound accounting principles and practices.
· Enable the management to obtain accurate and timely financial reports on monthly basis, thereby promoting
sound financial management.
· Ensure correct and accountable use of funds and other resources. The approach used is in line with generally
accepted accounting principles and Metrohm’s best practice reporting requirements.
The manual has been written for use as a means of reference to management, supervisors, new and existing
accountant staff, auditors, as the basis of training staff, and ensuring that appropriate controls are in place.
II. Update
The ongoing update of the manual is the responsibility of Controlling Metrohm International Headquarters and as
approved by the board of directors. Group Controlling will ensure that amendments to the manual are properly
authorized and communicated to concerned parties immediately.
III. Metrohm accounting policy and local accounting requirements
All instructions and guidelines in the Accounting Manual are focused on the Metrohm group reporting and therefore
have to be applied to monthly / quarterly reporting and the Year End Package. Local tax and statutory reporting
obviously has to follow the local laws and regulations of a specific subsidiary and can therefore vary from the
Metrohm group reporting. Consequently, the Yearend Package (Metrohm Annual Report and Local Annual Report)
requires a crossover between local accounting rules and group reporting.
IV. Metrohm accounting policy responsibility
All personnel with a role in the management of Metrohm’s financial operations are expected to uphold the policies in
this manual. It is the intention of Metrohm that this accounting manual serves as our commitment to proper,
accurate financial management and reporting.