1.25 On receipt of the broadcaster's representations,(-15-) Ofcom will then prepare its preliminary view on the substance of the complaint(s). This preliminary view is only provisional and may be subject to change in the light of subsequent representations / material provided by the broadcaster (and any relevant third party): see paragraphs 1.27 and 1.28 below. Members of Ofcom's Content Board will be provided with all preliminary views before they are provided to the broadcaster.(-16-) The preliminary view will contain:
a summary of the complaint(s);
a summary of the material parts of the programme/broadcast to which the complaint(s) relates;
the particular provisions of the Broadcasting Code (or other Code to which these Procedures apply) which Ofcom considers are relevant and applicable to the complaint(s); and
Ofcom's preliminary assessment of whether any breaches of those provisions have occurred and the reasons for that assessment.
1.26 If in any case where Ofcom considers that it is necessary to obtain further information to ensure that it can fairly and properly prepare its preliminary view, Ofcom may seek such information before preparing that view.
1.27 When Ofcom has prepared its preliminary view, Ofcom will provide it to the broadcaster (and any relevant third party) and request representations within 10 working days.
1.28 Once Ofcom has received and considered the broadcaster's representations (and/or any representations from a relevant third party) on its preliminary view, it will reach its final decision and inform the broadcaste