The microorganisms used in antibacterial assays were sup-
plied by Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH).The
species employed include pathogenic Gram-positive bacte-
ria (Staphylococcus aureus MTCC-740) and Gram-nega-
tive bacteria (Escherichia coli MTCC-739, Pseudomonas
aeruginoas MTCC-741, Salmonella typhi, MTCC-733 and
Klebsiella pneumoniae MTCC-139). The bacterial strains
were inoculated on Tryptone Soya Agar (TSA) and incubat-
ed for 24 h at 30°
NaCl and adjusted to yield approximately 1.0 × 108
× 109 cfu/ml by using spectrophotometer (25% transmit-
tance at 530 nm).Media component were purchased from
Hi Media, Mumbai, India. All the chemicals used were of
analytical grade.
C then suspended in saline solution 0.85%