This camera is made up of four recording modules and can
record 333 mfps (million frames per second). The exposure
time was set to 100 ns and the delay time to 500 ns. In
studying the melting behavior in the TWAS process,
images were illustrated from the cathode side as well as from the anode side. In the case of cored wire, images
were also taken from the upper side of the gun to explore
the intersection area between the two electrodes. All
experiments were performed without the illumination of
the arc zone. This gave us the possibility to investigate the
formation of smaller particles as well as to describe the
phenomena occurring in arc ignition and re-ignition.
Figure 3 shows the gun configuration and the locations of
the HSC. Each recorded film contains about 164 images.
The representative images were compared in order to
investigate the influence of the spraying parameters and
the presence of filling powder on the melting behavior and
particle formation. The selected images are the ones with
the higher repetition.