3.1.4. Instrumental variables
The choice of instrumental variables is critical to the consistent estimation of (1a), (1b), (1c), and (1d).9 Our choice of
instrumental variables is motivated by the extant literature; additionally, all of our analyses involving instrumental variables
include tests for weak instruments as suggested by Stock and Yogo (2004), and the Hausman (1978) test for endogeneity. Also, we
perform the Hahn and Hausman (2002)weak instrument test, the Hansen–Sargan overidentification test, the Cragg–Donald (1993)
test for model identification, and the Anderson–Rubin test for the joint significance of the set of endogenous variables in our
system of equations. Additionally, we consider alternate instruments than the ones noted below. We identify the following
variables as instruments for ownership, performance, governance, and capital structure.