in our last segment we were talking about the 1927 the roaring twenties and how jazz it kind of really evolved as more of popular art from that was happening with the gangsters and the speakeasies and all that kind of thing so that's in terms of drummers playing jazz music but just like today here in the 21st century drivers have a lot of different things that they can do you know so a lot of us out here are what we call freelance tremors and we maybe one day were playing a show in the next day we're playing a concert the next day we're doing theater thing in the next they were playing in a club next door playing for dancers so there's a lot different things that you could do and drummers back then had the same sort of a rolls they would take on many different roles so we haven't really talked too much about this but one of the really most important roles of a drummer in the 1927 was as what they call a fully artists today meaning a sound effects person you have to remember this was back at a time when you
didn't have you know you had radio at this point but you didn't have TV vertainly didn't have computers and he had movies but the movies were silent movies that technology wasn't there yet to have sent a soundtrack go along with the movie so when a movie would come to a theater uh either they would have a piano player ro in some of the bigger cities and as the 1927 progressive things got more sophisticated they would have an entire Orchestra backing uo a silent movie and it fell to the drummer in the band or drummer sometimes there'd be several of them to provide all the sound effects so if there was a gunshot if there's a plane flying overhead if a baby was crying if there was a cow mooing or a bird chirping or a train coming into the station or horses galloping or someboby shooting somebody or somebody bending over their pants ripping well the drummer was responsible for all of this and this got to be pretty sophisticated and you can see some sheet music from the and there'll be all kinds of cues for what instrument a drummer had to play and so like today drummers had to do have pretty large setups in these theatres circumstances or if it was a radio show they were you know somebody was listening the drummer was providing all of this filler this back ground sound effects to bring the radio production to life so what you're about to see next is something that probably are not going to see anywhere today is the one and only place to check this out and it's a demonstration done by William F Ludwig the thied who is the grandson of the founder of the ludwig drum company with the original William F ludwig now back in we've aleady talked about in an earlier segment that William ludwig and his brother wrer the ones that invented the bass drum pedal desingn that we still use today and of course we all know that they also created the ludwig drum company but prior to getting into that William athletic was a champion rudimental drummer and he tourd all over the country and was it was one of the most important theater
drummers in the Chicago area so his grandson William athletic the third has inherited all of his grandfather's traps and noise makers and he's going to do a demonstration for you right now of what it was like for a trap drummer either in a silent movie or a stage show or radio show back in the 1927.
(à»ÅÕ蹤¹¾Ù´) My grandfather and brother William F ludwig senior and Theobald Ludwig stared out the drum company by having a actual drum shop that they would do repairs and help people to their drums and keep them operating properly as time went on people would say come to them with cretain needs and say i need this sound ineed this drum to do this or this piece of equipment and so they became inventors of sound effects which we have here today in those days before sound the drummer were behind the screen watching the movie and doing the various sound effects along with the movie to make it more entertaining for the audience one of our items that we have is the gunshot sound effect and this actually holds 22 caliber blank shelves and then you close this down have it on the table and strike it with a hammer or drumstick or whatever you have handy the train effect is really intersting because it's so simple but effective and then they even added this on is a separate item you can get it with or without the
bell which i thought was pretty interesting but this has a series of door springs inside this is looks like it was some kind of a file of some sort that they just thought picked it up and said let's try that and it worked and that's the way he did most everything that just slides in there and then you go if you're starting the train is just starting out let's say (à»èÒâªÇìµÕâªÇì) and you can increase the volume speed to really give the true effect of a train departing and they also had to build items that could be transported because these peas percussionist were going from theater to theater wasn