Irish Wedding Traditions
-In Ireland, every leap year (February 29) it’s tradition for women to propose to men (like in the Amy Adams movie of the same name). The practice goes back to the time when leap years had no meaning in English law.
-If you can get married on St. Patrick’s Day, do so. The Irish consider this the luckiest anniversary date of the year. Just be sure to serve green beer at the reception!
-The Irish consider it good luck to have your birthstone on your engagement ring, even if that stone isn’t otherwise ‘lucky’.
-Wardrobe malfunction: the Irish consider it lucky to accidentally tear your dress on your wedding day.
-Irish brides used to carry real horseshoes for good luck on their wedding day. Now, it’s more common for brides to have porcelain or fabric horseshoes, the latter worn on the wrist.
-Couples want to receive at least one bell as a wedding gift to keep in their new home. When they get in a fight, one rings the bell to end the argument peacefully.
-Celtic music is an integral part of any traditional Irish wedding reception.