Besides the excitement I still feel afraid to meet new society that I never knew I would have friends from different places in the school. My school is not big, but count as another school that many students strive to be competitive to get into this school. The entrance is dominated by an imposing statue in the middle, and the student wishes to worship together. The building will have gardens and lawns. Some students tend to sit regularly. Marble is also present under the tree destination for students to sit and talk with friends, reading books and reviewing lessons. Classroom tables and chairs are arranged in an orderly, beautiful. Living within the walls of this white, navy, I get plenty of experience with both joy and sorrow, suffering, crying. This is both a friend and a teacher. Often I do not want to come because so many rules that I do not like. Then came the day that I have stepped out of a white leakage Navy. I know it can not digest time of happiness.